June 6, 2024

Week 23 2024

  • anniversary
  • love
  • marriage

I have been married for 25 years (and one day) as of today. Wow. 25 years! Living with someone that long teaches you a lot about yourself. For me, it has taught me a lot about my selfishness. When you consider someone else in every decision, it shapes how you think and it shapes who you are. No decision is made without your loved one in mind, so someone else is part of that process when things come up, from building a deck to planning dinner. When I was single, I could make decisions without a care in the world for someone else. But after 25 years of co-deciding (I have not always done this well), I am better at considering my decisions’ intended and unintended consequences.

Being married is hard, and I have not always been the best partner. But being married to Amy has made me a better person. I hope she recognizes that—and how I want to continue becoming a more loving and thoughtful person.

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