Categorized: Design : Services
June 30, 2010

Woot and Amazon, Together Forever

  • funny
  • Writing

I’ll make no bones about it, sells junk. The nice thing about that statement is that they agree. Heck, they’re proud of it!

In an e-mail today from Woot, I learned that the venerable pushers of plastic have been acquired by Amazon (another plastic pushing company, but one that actually has stuff you’d want). A post on their site today is an excellent specimen of their quirky culture and deep inkwells – the excerpt below:

Nevertheless, don’t worry that our culture will suddenly take a leap forward and become cutting-edge. We’re still going to be the same old bottom-feeders our customers and readers have come to know and love, and each and every one of their pre-written insult macros will still be just as valid in a week, two weeks, or even next year. For Woot, our vision remains the same: somehow earning a living on snarky commentary and junk.

Congrats to Woot – long may you, er, whatever you do. Ahh – the merging of one beautiful company and another company, one with a great personality.

Read the full (very funny) post at titled Amazon, Woot, and You: But Mostly Woot.

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